Cornelius the Magnificent


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When I was ten years old I made a picture book about an armadillo who wants to join the circus. His name is Cornelius and this is his book. I have reprinted a replica of the original book, and I hope to create a sequel to this story next year when I am 25. It will be hard to make a sequel to Cornelius the Magnificent 15 years later because it holds up quite well and I fear people will tell me I have not grown but instead shrunk as an artist and story-teller since I was 10 years old.
UPDATE: I failed to complete a sequel to Cornelius in 2016 when i was 25, so the plan is now to complete the sequel in 2021 when I am 30, 20 years after the original's creation. Hopefully I will have grown as an artist and story-teller by then.